Comics Over Time

Each week Dan, Duane and Siena bring you a look at comics new and old! Since 2021 we have been discussing comics, TV and film. For 2024 Duane and Dan are focusing on Marvel history that centers on Daredevil, and Siena and Dan are keeping up with current happenings in the Marvel Comics Universe. Our previous seasons are also available here: Phases of the Moon Knight covered the Moon Knight character in comics and TV, and our MCU Review saw us comparing the Phase 1 thru Phase 4 Marvel Cinematic Universe films with the comics that inspired them. Tuesdays - What’s New in Marvel Unlimited: Digital debuts in the MU App Thursdays - Murdock and Marvel: A history of Marvel Comic

Friday Mar 14, 2025
Daredevil Born Again Episode 3
Friday Mar 14, 2025
Friday Mar 14, 2025
Episode 56 - Daredevil Born Again Episode 3
Welcome to a special edition of the Comics Over Time podcast. We'll be discussing Daredevil Born Again episodes 3 that were released on Disney+ on March11th.
Initial Thoughts
1:00 Recap and Blurbs
Episode 3: The Hollow of His Hand (8.8 rating on IMDB)
The Disney+ blurp: The trial of Hector Ayala begins. Fisk’s old business associates seek to claim his vacant mantle.
Dan’s Non-Wikipedia, Non-AI Recap
Discussion Topics
Matt the Lawyer
The Big Swing
The Police Punisher Cult
The White Tiger, Vigilantism and Community Power
The Corruption of Vanessa Marianna-Fisk
Big Question:
What were the changes? Did Episode One Even Matter?
Next Week:
Daredevil Born Again Episode 4
Releases on Disney+ on March 18th
Podcast Release on Friday, March 21th
Questions or comments
We'd love to hear from you! Email us at or find us on Twitter @comicsoftime.

Friday Mar 07, 2025
Daredevil Born Again Episodes 1 and 2
Friday Mar 07, 2025
Friday Mar 07, 2025
Episode 55 - Daredevil Born Again Episodes 1 and 2
Welcome to a special edition of the Comics Over Time podcast. We'll be discussing Daredevil Born Again episodes 1 and 2 that were released on Disney+ on March 4th.
Initial Thoughts
Daredevil Recap from IGN:
1:00 Recap and Blurbs
Episode 1: Heaven’s Half Hour (8.8 rating on IMDB)
The Disney+ blurp: Matt Murdock gives up the mask. Wilson Fisk has his sights set to new heights.
Episode 2: Optics (8.7 rating on IMDB)
The Disney+ blurp: Matt Murdock gets a new client who’s more than he claims to be. Fisk learns the power of optics.
Discussion Topics
Disjointed From Season 3
New Support System
Fights look Different
A Line was Cross - Violence
Music Choices
Devil's Reign - Mayor Kingpin
Disney+ with Ads
White Tiger Story and Memoriam
Daredevil even out of Costume
Next Week:
Daredevil Born Again Episode 3
Releases on Disney+ on March 11th
Podcast Release on Friday, March 14th
Questions or comments
We'd love to hear from you! Email us at or find us on Twitter @comicsoftime.

Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Murdock and Marvel: 2001 Part 2
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Episode 54 - Murdock and Marvel: 2001 Part 2
The year 2001 has a dark shadow over it, and there are elements of this year that are pretty rough, because as the year closed comic books were trying to make sense of and deal with 9/11 just like the rest of America. But the start of the year brought a lot of great entertainment and for the first time in years sales held steady (mostly)
This is part 2 of the podcast. that will feature the year in Daredevil, the Spotlight story and the Takeaway for 2001.
The Year in Daredevil
Appearances: Daredevil #14-26, Daredevil / Spider-Man #1-4, Daredevil: Yellow #1-5, Daredevil: Ninja #2-3, Marvel Knights #7-9 and #11-15, Black Widow #2-3, Spider-Man and Mysterio #1-3, X-Men #109, Big Town #4, Deadpool #52, Black Panther #31, Elektra #1, Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #7-8, 100 Greatest Marvels of All Time #1 and 4, Marvel Masterworks: Daredevil #2 and Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor #3.
Writing: David Mack (#14-15), Brian Michael Bendis (#16-19 and #26) Bob Gale (#20-25)
Pencils: Joe Quesada and David Ross (#14), Ross (#15 and #23-25), David Mack (#16-19), Phil Winslade (#20-22), Alex Maleev (#26)
Inks: Mark Morales (#14-15) David Mack and Morales (#15) Mack and Pond Scum (#17) Mack (#18-19), James Hodgkins (#20-22), Hodgkins and Mark Pennington (#23), Pennington (#24-25), Alex Maleev (#26)
After the wrap-up of the Parts of a hole storyline that included a trail of Kingpin before he’s eventually blinded by Maya Lopez aka Echo, we get our first story from Brian Michael Bendis with David Mack moving over to art. The 4-book story, Titled Wake Up, is a fantastically told and beautifully brought to page by the creative team. It doesn’t really have any action and is really only loosely about Daredevil. Interesting, right? This is, without a doubt, worth spotlighting this week – so we’ll talk more about it then.
The other main story we get this year is called Playing to the Camera in which Daredevil is sued by rich philanthropist Samuel Griggs and wants to retain Nelson and Murdock (specifically Matt Murdock) as his lawyer. Matt reluctantly agrees as he knows he wasn’t involved with destroying the man’s greenhouse and plants and wants to figure out who’s behind it. As Daredevil, he hires a lawyer and they have their days in court surrounded by a media circus.
The trial ends with 3 daredevils in the courtroom - Murdock as himself holding a video tape of himself as Daredevil earlier that morning, Peter Parker in a Daredevil costume with the defense attorney and a third Daredevil who crashes a window, admits to the property damage, offers the $50k needed to fix it and then reveals his true identity as Terrance Hillman. Confused? So is Murdock and Nelson. Apparently, Hillman decided on his own to dress up as Daredevil and crash the courtroom. He then used the reveal and announced retirement to swing fame and fortune (and help out the real Daredevil). We also learn that Hillman didn’t destroy the property either and that the Ringmaster was behind everything. He was testing his ability to implant false memories in people.
One interesting side note about the first issue of the Playing with Camera storyline. A second story appears in the issue “My Brother’s Keeper” written by Stan Lee and Kevin Hall with art by Gene Colan. In the short story, we see Daredevil and Spider-Man during a night out.
We did get one more book in December from Brian Michael Bendis but we’ll save that for next year’s discussion.
Finally In Daredevil: Yellow we get a 6-book story in which Matt is writing letters to the late Karen Page about the early days of Daredevil and the Nelson and Murdock law firm as a way to find forgiveness for everything that happened between them. The story, by Jeph Loeb, artist Tim Sale and colors by Matt Hollingsworth, is another retailing of the first handful of issues from Daredevil volume 1 that ends with the Purple Man story and Matt finding the forgiveness he needs.
This Week's Spotlight: Daredevil volume 2 #16 May 2001 - #19 August 2001 “Wake Up”
Why We Picked This Story
Daredevil Rapid Fire Questions
The Takeaway
Writers are the key.
Questions or comments
We'd love to hear from you! Email us at or find us on Twitter @comicsoftime.
Music: Our theme music is by the very talented Lesfm. You can find more about them and their music at
The Grand Comics Database: Dan uses custom queries against a downloadable copy of the GCD to construct his publisher, title and creator charts.
Comichron: Our source for comic book sales data.
Marvel Year By Year: A Visual History
DC Comics Year By Year: A Visual Chronicle

Thursday Feb 27, 2025
Murdock and Marvel: 2001 Part 1
Thursday Feb 27, 2025
Thursday Feb 27, 2025
Episode 53 - Murdock and Marvel: 2001 Part 1
The year 2001 has a dark shadow over it, and there are elements of this year that are pretty rough, because as the year closed comic books were trying to make sense of and deal with 9/11 just like the rest of America. But the start of the year brought a lot of great entertainment and for the first time in years sales held steady (mostly)
The Year in Comics
Notable and Newsworthy
Sales & Industry Information
Beginnings & Endings
Eisner Awards
Dan's Favorite
The Year in Marvel
TOTAL SERIES: 176TOTAL NEW SERIES: 127 TOTAL ENDING SERIES: 117THIS YEAR'S EVENT(S): Eve of Destruction (A cure for the Legacy Virus has been released, providing Magneto with a brand new army of healthy mutants ready to wage a final battle against humanity)BEST SELLING COMICS: Heroes Special, Wolverine: The Origin, Amazing Spider-Man #36. Outside those, 31 of the top 39 issues for the year had an “X-“ in their title, including 8-27.
Events & Happenings
New Titles (Ongoing and Limited)
New Characters
Series Ending
Who's in the Bullpen/Passings
ROOKIE OF THE YEAR: J. Michael Straczynski
Dan's Favorite
Next week: 2001 Part 2 - The year in Daredevil
Questions or comments
We'd love to hear from you! Email us at or find us on Twitter @comicsoftime.
Music: Our theme music is by the very talented Lesfm. You can find more about them and their music at
The Grand Comics Database: Dan uses custom queries against a downloadable copy of the GCD to construct his publisher, title and creator charts.
Comichron: Our source for comic book sales data.
Marvel Year By Year: A Visual History
DC Comics Year By Year: A Visual Chronicle

Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Murdock and Marvel: 2000 Part 2
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Episode 52 - Murdock and Marvel: 2000 Part 2
The new millenium started with some big endings, and comic book sales kept slipping this year. But 2000 featured some big developments that would point the way to the future of comics. Welcome to the Oughts, everyone!
This is part 2 of the podcast. that will feature the year in Daredevil, the Spotlight story and the Takeaway for 2000.
The Year in Daredevil
Appearances: Daredevil #10-13, Earth X #10-12 and X, Fantastic Four #27, Avenger #27, Essential Fantastic Four #3, Marvel Knights #5-6, Daredevil: Ninja #1, Maximum Security #1, and Nick Fury: Agent of Shield graphic novel.
Writing: David Mack (#10 – 11 and 13), Quesada and Palmiotti (12)
Pencils: Joe Quesada (#10 – 11 and 13), Rob Haynes (12)
Inks: Jimmy Palmiotti (#10 – 11), Rob Haynes (12), Mike Morales (13)
A very light year for Daredevil as the main run only released four books this year – all part of the Parts of a Hole storyline started in December 1999. The story would continue until March 2001 when Parts of a Hole conclusion called Vision would reach stores. Visions will be our spotlight for this week.
Issue 12, Gun Play, feels like a fill-in story covering a series of vignettes about Hell’s Kitchen residents (featuring some very adult themes) while Echo and Daredevil fight rooftop-to-rooftop that was written by Joe Quesada and Jimmy Palmiotti, with art by Rob Haynes. Although it was well written, it does stall the pacing of the story for an issue.
Outside of the main title, many of the Daredevil appearances this year were reprints including the Daredevil Visionaries: Frank Miller collection that was released in October which included 10 stories from the Frank Miller era and a second printing of the Punisher kills the Marvel Universe graphic novel.
One other original story was started in December and spilled over into 2001 - Daredevil: Ninja which was a limited series written by Brian Michael Bendis and Rob Hayes that saw Daredevil dealing with the Hand and reuniting with Stone in Japan. When the scene shifts back to New York, Baby Karen (From Daredevil Vol.2 #1-8) turns out to be the next great hero of Japan.
This Week's Spotlight: Daredevil volume 2 #15 March 2001 “Parts of a Hole Conclusion: Vision”
Why We Picked This Story
Daredevil Rapid Fire Questions
The Takeaway
A lot of great work can get done when expectations are low and no one is watching.
Questions or comments
We'd love to hear from you! Email us at or find us on Twitter @comicsoftime.
Music: Our theme music is by the very talented Lesfm. You can find more about them and their music at
The Grand Comics Database: Dan uses custom queries against a downloadable copy of the GCD to construct his publisher, title and creator charts.
Comichron: Our source for comic book sales data.
Marvel Year By Year: A Visual History
DC Comics Year By Year: A Visual Chronicle

Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Murdock and Marvel: 2000 Part 1
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Episode 51 - Murdock and Marvel: 2000 Part 1
The new millenium started with some big endings, and comic book sales kept slipping this year. But 2000 featured some big developments that would point the way to the future of comics. Welcome to the Oughts, everyone!
The Year in Comics
Notable and Newsworthy
Sales & Industry Information
Beginnings & Endings
Eisner Awards
Dan's Favorite
The Year in Marvel
2000 was a year of big changes at Marvel Comics. Bill Jemas was promoted to President, and replaced Bob Harras with Joe Quesada.
Events & Happenings
New Titles (Ongoing and Limited)
New Characters
Series Ending
Who's in the Bullpen/Passings
ROOKIE OF THE YEAR: Brian Michael Bendis
Dan's Favorite
Next week: 2000 Part 2 - The year in Daredevil
Questions or comments
We'd love to hear from you! Email us at or find us on Twitter @comicsoftime.
Music: Our theme music is by the very talented Lesfm. You can find more about them and their music at
The Grand Comics Database: Dan uses custom queries against a downloadable copy of the GCD to construct his publisher, title and creator charts.
Comichron: Our source for comic book sales data.
Marvel Year By Year: A Visual History
DC Comics Year By Year: A Visual Chronicle

Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Murdock and Marvel: 1999 Part 2
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Episode 50 - Murdock and Marvel: 1999 Part 2
Last week we closed the curtain on the first volume of Daredevil, and now we are reaching the end of the millennium itself, as comics continue to barrel towards their own version of Y2K. Sales keep dropping and more publishers leave the field, but signs of life start to show if you look in the right places. It's 1999, and comics still are not dead.
This is part 2 of the podcast. that will feature the year in Daredevil, the Spotlight story and the Takeaway for 1999.
The Year in Daredevil
Appearances: Daredevil #3-9, Earth X #0-2 and 5-7, Mutant X #6, Avengers #15-16, Avengers Forever #8, Black Widow #1-3, Spider-Man: Chapter One #9 and 12, Fantastic Four #21 and 23, Uncanny X-Men #370, Wolverine/Punisher: Revelations #3, Deathlok #1, along with Marvel Masterworks: Daredevil #1 and the Avengers 1999 and Contest of Champions graphic novels
Writing: Kevin Smith (#1-8), David Mack (#9)
Pencils: Joe Quesada (#1-9)
Inks: Jimmy Palmiotti (#1-9)
The year for Daredevil actually began in November 1998 when the first book of the Guardian Devil storyline hit comic book stores. We briefly touched on what happened during the first two books a couple weeks ago, but with this storyline taking up half the year – we’ll be looking at the story in-depth as our spotlight story this week.
After the guardian Devil storyline ended in June 1999, we didn’t get another book in the main Daredevil title until December. When we get the start of another multi-book storyline called Parts of a Hole with a new writer in David Mack. We won’t go into much detail on this until we look at Daredevil in 2000, but it starts with The Kingpin sends a hitman after a stoolie being questioned by Nelson and Murdock.
This Week's Spotlight: Daredevil volume 2 #1-8 November 1998 – June 1999 “Guardian Devil”
Why We Picked This Story
Daredevil Rapid Fire Questions
The Takeaway
Setting up the foundation to the future.
Questions or comments
We'd love to hear from you! Email us at or find us on Twitter @comicsoftime.
Music: Our theme music is by the very talented Lesfm. You can find more about them and their music at
The Grand Comics Database: Dan uses custom queries against a downloadable copy of the GCD to construct his publisher, title and creator charts.
Comichron: Our source for comic book sales data.
The American Comic Book Chronicles: Published by TwoMorrows, these volumes provide an excellent analysis of American comics through the years. Because these volumes break down comic history by year and decade they are a great place to get a basic orientation on what is happening across the comic industry at a particular point in time.

Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Murdock and Marvel: 1999 Part 1
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Episode 49 - Murdock and Marvel: 1999 Part 1
Last week we closed the curtain on the first volume of Daredevil, and now we are reaching the end of the millennium itself, as comics continue to barrel towards their own version of Y2K. Sales keep dropping and more publishers leave the field, but signs of life start to show if you look in the right places. It's 1999, and comics still are not dead.
The Year in Comics
Notable and Newsworthy
Sales & Industry Information
Eisner Awards
Dan's Favorite
The Year in Marvel
Marvel continued to contract and retrench, as it reduced the number of books it published, and concentrated more and more on proven creators and characters, especially the X-Men. The company also sold off their remaining trading card companies at a catastrophic loss and tried to undo some of the damage that had been inflicted on fans and characters in the last few years.
Events & Happenings
New Titles (Ongoing and Limited)
New Characters
Series Ending
Who's in the Bullpen/Passings
Dan's Favorite
Next week: 1999 Part 2 - The year in Daredevil
Questions or comments
We'd love to hear from you! Email us at or find us on Twitter @comicsoftime.
Music: Our theme music is by the very talented Lesfm. You can find more about them and their music at
The Grand Comics Database: Dan uses custom queries against a downloadable copy of the GCD to construct his publisher, title and creator charts.
Comichron: Our source for comic book sales data.
The American Comic Book Chronicles: Published by TwoMorrows, these volumes provide an excellent analysis of American comics through the years. Because these volumes break down comic history by year and decade they are a great place to get a basic orientation on what is happening across the comic industry at a particular point in time.

Comics Over Time is a weekly podcast where our hosts Dan and Duane read important and interesting comic books that provided characters and story ideas for movies or TV. Then we'll watch how those stories were translated to the big (or small) screen.
We have a lot of great comics, movies and TV shows lined up to share with you. Whether you are a long-time fan of comic books and comic book movies, or are just getting started, we invite you to join us as we look back at the history of these characters and their stories, as well as attempt to connect the dots from comic panels to moving pictures.